SoHa Person of Interest | Loretta Davis, Jewelry Artist

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the entire interview
I recently spoke with Loretta Davis, Jewelry Artist, who lives and works in SoHa Colorado. We spoke about her process as as artist and about how her presence is felt by those for whom a piece is commissioned. Here’s an excerpt from the interview:
SoHa: “You wanted something to symbolize your daughter, strengthen her own strength.”
LD: “Yes, but after [years] the bracelet broke. I really liked it and it was special to me so I decided to fix it. I liked the way it turned out; I used different materials to strengthen it. Then I started making my own bracelets and necklaces, which others admired and [they] asked me to make pieces for them. I made one piece here and one piece there – not thinking that it would turn into anything. And in there somewhere the Survivor Bracelets came along. The positive feedback is surprising to me even though I know I’m good at what I do.
Loretta, it was a delight speaking with you, as always. We appreciate your time and insights, and of course, your art! Pam Roth O’Mara

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