Interview with Stormcellars’ Calvin Armerding

In a recent interview with SoHa Happenings in Colorado® JournalStormcellars Group Member Calvin Armerding discussed the group's music, synergy, and plans. Here’s an excerpt from that discussion:

SoHa: How have you evolved as artists?
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the entire interview

CA: We feel that as time has passed, we have really been able to find our voice and style. At first, our music was generally quiet/sad/contemplative, but as we have developed, we’ve been able to write, refine, record and perform foot-stompers along with our slower, intimate material. This diversity reflects who we are as a band: our relationships with each other are both frivolous, fun, and hilarious even as they are profound, deeply loving, and intimate. It’s such a pleasure to work and perform with people that you love so much, and we feel that our music reflects this joy, love, and honesty.

SoHa: Thank you, Calvin, for sharing your time and your thoughts and your music with us. We look forward to hearing more of your music and about you. Find out more about the Stormcellars:; download their music:; and write to them: —Pam Roth O’Mara

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