Cherry Creek Chorale :: Northern Exposure :: March 11 & 12

Cherry Creek Chorale Presents their annual Spring Concert with Northern Exposure... Music of F. Melius, Olaf and Paul Christianson; Canadian composer, Imant Raminsh's "Missa Brevis" and folk songs of Canada. Accompanied by The Cherry Creek Chorale Chamber Orchestra.
When: Fri, 3/11 & Sat, 3/12 @ 7:30p
Where: Bethany Lutheran Church, 4500 E. Hampden Avenue, Cherry Hills Village, CO 80113
Senior$12 (over age 60)
Student$12 (any age student enrolled in an educational institution)
Children$5 (ages birth to 12)
Tickets may be purchased from a Chorale member or can be reserved by telephone using a credit card: Call 303-789-5920 to purchase tickets in advance. Tickets may also be purchased at the door.
Questions? 303-789-5920

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