SoHa Comments: The Whale at Ricketson Theatre

SoHa Happenings Editor writes:
"... Last night my husband and I saw The Whale at the Denver Center Ricketson Theatre. Stunning. The language - the writing - is superb. The performance by the tight-knit ensemble compelling and humbling. When it was all over; when all was said and done, the audience shuffled out of the theater en masse as though leaving a funeral hall. That's how much the work touched all of us. From different backgrounds, each with our own life experience. We heard nothing beyond foot steps and an occasional "excuse me" as members navigated the stairs up and out of the theater. As we emerged you could hear the sighs of relief.... It's about a man, his predicament, and the people who share it with him. Go see it now, or see it in NYC, it's next stop."    
We need to bring to SoHa works like The Whale and opportunities that allow works like it to exist.

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