SoHa Happenings eZine Nearing 65,000 Visits

SoHa Happenings in ColoradoSM eZine is thrilled to announce that we're nearing 65,000 visits to our blog over the last 6 months. That doesn't include visits to Facebook, Twitter, and LinkedIn locations. To us that means there's a rather large following of people who are truly interested in what's happening in arts and culture in SoHa CO, and that it's worthwhile to continue to provide that information. As we grow, we're learning more about the artists and how they got to be where they are. We're learning that readers want to know about SoHa artists and their creative journeys. That emerging artists as well as those modest people who claim to "have not a creative bone in my body" but enjoy creative works, all enjoy insights about the creative process. We will bring you vignettes focusing on the artists and their process, and continue to tell you how to find those artists so that you can enjoy their work. Until then, remember...

you saw them on  SoHa Happenings in ColoradoSM  eZine of course!

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