Audition Call | Performance Now Theatre Company

Just in from Performance Now Theatre Company… We have added an additional hour of audition slots this Sat, Jan 11  from 6-7pm. (They were not included on the audition schedule on our website). If
you still need an audition slot, please go to the website and schedule one. Although most of the other audition slots are full, I do make those slots
available if someone cancels, so keep checking back on the website. Here is the original audition notice...

Performance Now Theatre Company | Announces Auditions for HAIRSPRAY

Directed and Choreographed by Kelly Van Oosbree; Assisted by Ken Leist; Music Direction by Michael Bowerman
AUDITION DATES: Fri, Jan. 10, 6-9p; Sat, Jan. 11, 6-9p; Sun, Jan. 12, 3-5p
Callbacks: Sunday Jan. 12, 6-10 p.m.
AUDITION LOCATION: Little Theater Culture Center, 9142 W. Ken Caryl Ave., Littleton, CO 80127 (Please do not call Little Theatre)
ALL ROLES ARE AVAILABLE: looking to cast 30+ adults of all sizes, shapes and ethnicities in this high energy musical comedy. Strong dancers and singers will be needed. Minority actors are highly encouraged to audition. There are a few adult roles available with limited choreography, though all roles will require some movement.
TRACY TURNBLAD - Our story's unsuspecting protagonist, she is large and in charge. Confident, talented, and incredibly determined. A romantic with a good heart and desire to cut up the dance floor. A young lady always on top of the latest trends. Strong belt - great dancer. Range: G3 - G5 
EDNA TURNBLAD - Tracy’s big mother. She is a working housewife who has lost her confidence and dream to be a plus-size clothing designer. Boisterous and commanding. Played by a male in drag. Male, comic- strong mover, Range: F3 - G5
LINK LARKIN - The star heartthrob on Corny Collins’ show. He is extremely attractive and talented. Hoping to get his big break with a recording contract, he unexpectedly falls for Tracy. Great singer- great dancer. Male, same age as Tracy.  Range: G3 - A5  
AMBER VON TUSSLE - Link’s girlfriend and Tracy’s nemesis. She is pretty, thin, shallow, snobby, and racist. Can’t dance but is expected to win Miss Baltimore Hairspray. Always feels the need to be the center of attention. Female, same age as Tracy. Strong singer- great dancer. Range: A3 - F5 
VELMA VON TUSSLE - Amber’s mother and the director of Corny Collin’s show. She is a devious taskmaster and snobby racist. The former Miss Baltimore Crabs will go to any length to ensure her daughter is the next big thing. Female, 40+ years. Strong singer- good mover. Range: G3 - E5 
WILBUR TURNBLAD - Tracy’s simpleminded and kind father. He owns a joke shop and supports his daughter in spite of everything else. He also loves his wife, Edna, very much. Male, 40+  Comic, strong singer- good mover, Range: A3 - A5
PENNY PINGLETON - Tracy’s best friend and dorky sidekick. Not the brightest girl, but she has good intentions. Bursting to get free of her mother’s dominating control, she falls for Seaweed with childlike curiosity. Female, same age as Tracy.  Comic- strong singer/belt- good dancer, Range: A3 - G5  
CORNY COLLINS - The charismatic host of the Corny Collins’ Show. Good looking and smooth talking, he is a genuinely nice guy both on and off camera. Male, 25-35 yrs old,  Great singer- good dancer, Range: D4 - A5 
SEAWEED J. STUBBS - Tracy’s classmate and friend, who is discriminated against due to his skin color. He is cocky but surprisingly lovable. He falls for Penny. Male, Same age as Tracy, Strong singer- great dancer. Range: F3 - D5 
MOTORMOUTH MAYBELLE - Seaweed and Little Inez’s mother, she also appears as the Guest DJ on the Corny Collin’s Negro Day show. Big, blonde, beautiful and proud of it. She is sassy and confident. Female, 40+   Great singer- good mover, Range: F3 - E5 
LITTLE INEZ - Seaweed’s little sister, great singer/dancer
THE DYNAMYTES - Judine, Kamilah and Shayna- a vocal trio a la The Supremes- great singers/dancers
FEMALE AUTHORITY FIGURE - Versatile female comic actress who plays all the adult supporting roles in the show: Prudy Pingleton, sadistic gym teach, prison matron and more.
MALE AUTHORITY FIGURE - Versatile male comic actor who plays all the adult supporting roles in the show: Harriman Spritzer, Principal, Baltimore drunkard,  Mr. Pinky and more.
ENSEMBLE - Young adult singers and dancers of all ethnicities to play students, Corny Collins Council Members, Denizen of Baltimore and more.
*16 - 32 bars of a musical theatre song in the style of the show
*Please bring sheet music; an accompanist will be provided. No taped music or a cappella.
*Please bring a headshot, resume, and list of conflicts.
*Dance auditions will take place at callbacks (Sunday evening).
*Be prepared to sing or read from the script/score. 
REHEARSALS: All rehearsals will take place in the Littleton/Highlands Ranch area.
Rehearsals will begin Saturday, January 25 and will take place on Saturdays and Sundays during the day.
There will also be a few select rehearsals on weeknights
All actors are paid a $225 stipend.
TECH WEEK: March 24-27 at the Lakewood Cultural Center (Wadsworth & Alameda); Call time 6:00pm

PERFORMANCES: March 28- April 13 at the Lakewood Cultural Center; Fridays - 7:30 pm (6:00 call); Saturdays - 2:00 pm & 7:30 pm (12:30 & 6:00 calls); Sundays - 2:00 pm (12:30 call)
Extra Show Confirmed: Thursday, April 10, 7:30pm (6:00 call)
Possible Extra Show: Thursday, April 3, 7:30pm (6:00 call)
RESERVE AN AUDITION SLOT… Go to; Click on the “Audition” button in the upper right corner; Click on the link that says Schedule your audition online!
Go to “January”; Click on either January 5, 10, 11, 12; Click the availability button on the right; Select an audition time; On the lower left side, verify the audition time and select “Continue”; Fill in the required information; Hit “Continue”; You’re done!
Confirmation: You'll receive an email from  Keep this confirmation!
Need to cancel (really!)? If you need to cancel your audition for any reason, refer to your confirmation email for the link to cancel your audition. PLEASE cancel as a courtesy to us and the other actors as this will free up your original audition time for someone else.

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