Cherry Creek Chorale :: Opens Their 2010-11 Season...
Cherry Creek Chorale...
THE WILD WESTOctober 8 & 9, 2010 7:30 PM
Featuring Rene Clausen's "Crying For a Dream"; cowboy and other songs of the western US and two special commissioned pieces!
Special Guests:
Bill Barwick and the Sons of the Tumbleweed ( and
The Colorado Children's Chorale (
THE WILD WESTOctober 8 & 9, 2010 7:30 PM
Featuring Rene Clausen's "Crying For a Dream"; cowboy and other songs of the western US and two special commissioned pieces!
Special Guests:
Bill Barwick and the Sons of the Tumbleweed ( and
The Colorado Children's Chorale (