Evening Workshop :: Team Building with Improvisational Performance Techniques

Create Effective Teams for Fun and Profit! (BUSI 1069W01-80212)
When: Tue, 2/8/2011@ 6-8:30p
Instructor: Pam O’Mara
Description: Your ability to work in and across groups of people with different business skill sets and levels is ever more important to your career. Using improvisational performance techniques, discover how to work with people whose skill sets may be very different from your own, and more quickly and easily adjust to different situations. Be sure to wear loose comfortable clothing and bring your desire to participate. No acting or improv experience required.
Where: ACC Littleton Campus
Fee: $49, $25 material fee to instructor
Registration: enroll online at REGISTER HERE
Questions? 303.797.5722 or 303.797.5608.

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