Call for Entries: 28th All Colorado Art Show

28th Annual All Colorado Art Show... $2,000 in prizes... Entries due June 6, 2011
Exhibit:  Sat, 6/25 - 8/10, 2011
Juror: Jill Desmond, Denver Art Museum Curatorial Assistant, Modern & Contemporary Art
Lecture by juror: Thursday, July 14, 6:30 p.m.
Reception: Sat, 6/25 @ 5-7p
Eligibility: Open to Colorado artists, at least 18 years old
Entry: Two entries for each category; categories 2D, 3D
Fee: $25 non-refundable per category
Deadline:  Fee, entry form, CD due (postmarked) Mon, 6/6
Deliver to: Curtis Arts & Humanities Center, 2349 E Orchard Rd, Greenwood Village, CO 80121
Questions? 303-797-1779 or 303-708-6110

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