SoHa Improvisers Chosen for Bovine Qtrly House Teams
2nd Quarter auditions at Bovine Metropolis Theater - a haven for improv mavens - are complete. Our SoHa improvisers on Bovine House teams... Nicole Nelson and Tony Nguyen on a new to-be-named team, and Nick Trotter and Pam O'Mara on Alpha Squad. SoHa improviser Jon Lannen coaches house team, BLOX.
Call to Action... Support our improvisers! For dates, times, and ticket information, contact Bovine Metropolis @ 303-758-4722. Say you saw them on SoHa Happenings!
Call to Action... Support our improvisers! For dates, times, and ticket information, contact Bovine Metropolis @ 303-758-4722. Say you saw them on SoHa Happenings!