Creative Connections Hosts Donna Furman, Creative Direct Mktg Guru

If you're looking to market yourself as a creative person, check out this week's Creative Connections meeting with Donna Furman, Owner, Direct Results. Donna started out as a copywriter and has become one of the most respected direct marketing people in Colorado. When she first opened Direct Results she quickly learned how to market yourself to grow her one person business.  She is a founding member of Rocky Mountain Direct Marketing Association board and the first recipient of the Direct Marketer of the Year.

What: Creative Connections Networking Meetup with Donna Furman
Where: Aspen Grove Community Church, 181 W. County Line Rd, Littleton, CO (map) Broadway & C470 - SouthPark Shopping Center
Cost: $5 admission [Creative Connections is Free for 1st timers - Best deal in town!]

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