Found-Fiction and Persona-Poetry Workshops at Writers Studio

Assistant Editor, Lisa Hardman reports that… It was October 20th and SoHa had experienced just a few inches of snow for the season when the Arapahoe Community College Writers Studio presented workshops with fiction writer Teresa Milbrodt and poet Rawdon Tomlinson. Participants at Teresa Milbrodt’s workshop, The Long and Short of It: Flash Fiction, Found Fiction, and the Winding Road of Novel-Writing at Arapahoe Community College’s Oct 20th Writers Studio explored various fiction forms and gleaned material to create pieces of “found” fiction. They also learned about the differences and similarities between fiction forms and experimented with articles, stories, flash fiction and novels through writing exercises.  ….And, experiencing Tomlinson’s serious and funny examples while incorporating their relatives’ stories into their own persona poems-- then sharing them in a group setting-- participants of Tomlinson’s workshop, Skeletons in the Closet: Writing Persona Poems About Our Ancestors' Lives learned about the persona poem form.

Milbrodt, an Asst Prof of Creative Writing at Western State College in Gunnison whose most recent short story collection, Bearded Women: Stories was released this month, has been published in numerous literary journals. Tomlinson, a retired English and Creative Writing instructor, has published several award winning books of poetry. His most recent book, Lines from the Surgeon's Children, 1862-1865, won the Stevens Award from the National Federation of State Poetry Societies Press. Check for any of their works.

Sample Milbrodt’s work: Mr. Chicken @
Sample Tomlinson’s work: Ancestors @
Writers Studio Questions?

You saw it on SoHa Happenings in Colorado eZine, of course!               

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