Lone Tree Arts: Stories on Stage Veterans’ Affairs

Appearing this Fall at the Lone Tree Arts Center... Stories on Stage presents talented actors reading great short stories by exceptional authors.  Veterans’ Affairs celebrates and honors the brave men and women who have served our country from WW II through Vietnam to the conflict in Iraq.
Timothy McCracken reading The Last Stand by Siobhan Fallon,
Ben Hammer reading Sudden Money by Studs Terkel,
Lawrence Hecht reading Speaking of Courage by Tim O'Brien and
Mare Trevathan reading Gold Star by Siobhan Fallon.
When: Veterans' Day, Fri, 11/11 @ 8p
Where: Lone Tree Arts Center’s Main Stage Theater, 10075 Commons Street, Lone Tree, CO 80124
Tickets: $25-$35.
Things You Should Know: Veterans’ Affairs not recommended for children under 16 (contains graphic language and realistic wartime situations). 
Questions? www.lonetreeartscenter.org or 720.509.1000

You saw it on SoHa Happenings in Colorado eZine, of course! 


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