SoHa eZine Publisher Nominated for CBCA Business for Arts Award

SoHa Happenings in ColoradoSM eZine is thrilled to report that its publisher, And Then Publications LLC, has been nominated for the Colorado Business Committee for the Arts Award in the Impact Category! According to the CBCA (, "the Impact Award highlights innovative use of the arts to propel business success, programs that engage employees with creativity and other community activities that support arts and business partnerships."

Thank you all who sent in their nomination for the first round! There's more work to do. If you missed the deadline to nominate And Then Publications LLC, you can still help the cause by sending a letter of support to be included in the second round of information requested by the CBCA Awards Committee. Please send your letter to

And remember... You saw it on SoHa Happenings in ColoradoSM eZine of course!                        

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