FREE copy of Suggestion Please! Where to Find Improv in Denver

To celebrate the season, &THENPublicationsLLCSM is offering for FREE a digital version (eBook in .pdf format) of its new publication, Suggestion Please! Where to Find Improv in Denver to the the first 200 people who send an email telling the publisher in 150 words why you enjoy improv in Denver: According to SoHa Author Pam O'Mara, "The book was written to ensure that as many people as possible experience Denver’s vibrant improv community. The primary audience for the book is the improv audience— those who watch and make suggestions, but don’t perform improv. The idea: support the Denver improv community by expanding the audience." Oh, so clever. Yeah, yeah, yeah. YaY Improv!
Send your email to: If you're one of the first 200 people who send an email telling the publisher in 150 words why you enjoy improv in Denver, you'll receive an email with instructions on how to download the book. 
This offer expires on Fri, Dec 30, 2011 @ 12Midnight MT. 
Happy Holidays!!
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