Lone Tree Arts Center Announces March 2012 Offerings

Just in from the SoHa region's Lone Tree Arts Center...
This March, Stories on Stage: A Colorado Collection, Tartan Terrors, and Spencers: Theatre of Illusion will make their home in the brand new 500 seat Main Stage Theater.
What: Stories on Stage includes readings from the works of Colorado writers. The Tartan Terrors, a Celtic comedy romp, blending champion bagpiper, drums, guitar, Highland dancers, and kilts. Spencers: Theatre of Illusion goes beyond mere magic and into the realm of the seemingly impossible with danger, drama, and, of course, personality.
When: 3/10 @ 8p Stories on Stage ($25 and up); 3/16 @ 8p The Tartan Terrors ($30 and up); 3/24 @ 8p Kevin and Cindy Spencer for Spencers: Theatre of Illusion ($35 and up)
Where: 10075 Commons Street, Lone Tree, CO 80124
Box Office Hours: M-F @ 10a - 4p and during performances. In person and 720-509-1000.

You saw them on... 
   SoHa Happenings in ColoradoSM eZine of course!  

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