Spring Cleaning at SoHa Happenings

Once or twice a year, we like to shake things up a bit - meaning revise the look of our page. It's that time. Part of the reason for the change is that we just learned that the Dynamic View (technical phrase; no need to worry about) of our page looks nice and is better at reporting who's visiting us, but isn't properly displaying everything we're  reporting to you - even using the most current version of Microsoft Internet Explorer. What that means to our followers and us, is that you couldn't get to important information about who, what, when, where in SoHa CO. Yucky (another technical term). So for at least the near future, we've returned to the more standard view, which shows the SoHa Happenings calendar right on the first page.


you saw them on  SoHa Happenings in ColoradoSM  eZine of course!  


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