Eye of the Camera 2011 Exhibit at Littleton Museum

SoHa Correspondent Mollie Christensen reports about the Littleton Fine Arts Committee Exhibit for the winners of the 2011 "Eye of the Camera": Glenn Richards, BOS - COLOR for Lone Fisherman; Sara Frances BOS - BLACK & WHITE for Air Forest...
Another thing that is happening this week is the opening of The Littleton Fine Arts Comittee Eye of the Camera - Best of Show 2011. I spent the morning hanging the show and it is very intriguing. ...both photographers have amazing bios!
We look forward to hearing more from Mollie! Thanks, Mollie.

When: The exhibit runs 4/20–5/27/2012 @ 8a–5p
Regular museum hours: 8a-5p Tu-Fr; 10a-5p Sat; 1-5p Sun; closed Mondays and holidays.
Where: Littleton Museum 6028 S. Gallup St. Littleton
Cost: Free

The 2012 winners of the Littleton Fine Arts Committee’s Eye of the Camera competition as announced by Juror Andy Marquez:
  • Organized Leisure, BEST OF SHOW – BLACK & WHITE by Karen Kirkpatrick;
  • Summer Garden, BEST OF SHOW – COLOR by Fee Chin;
  • Backlit Antarctica, FIRST PLACE – BLACK & WHITE by Joe Bonita;
  • Red Tail Hawk, FIRST PLACE – COLOR by Bob Maynard;
  • The Ungodly, SECOND PLACE – BLACK & WHITE by Ron Dahl;
  • Man from the Caucasus Mountains, SECOND PLACE – COLOR by Eric Jones.
In addition to a $500 cash prize, 2012 Best of Show winners receive a Two-Person Exhibit in the Fine Arts Gallery, Littleton Museum Spring, 2013. 1st Place winners receive $250; 2nd Place winners $100.

Questions303-795-3950 Littleton Museum Fine Arts Gallery

You saw them on...      SoHa Happenings in ColoradoSM  of course!  

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