SoHa Colorado eZine Endorses Creativity

Let's hear it for true creativity! YaY!! "What in heck is she talking about?" I get that look far too often. The deer in the headlight, dazed look when I act or speak about creativity; when I'm being creative. I'm convinced that except for a few, our young ones have not acquired the ability to be genuinely creative. I grew up playing and inventing. We invented characters and put on shows. It was natural then; not now. Now the norm is nearly everything boxed. Let's get rid of boxed sets of "creative arts." Give kids and yourself - if you're older than 12 - blank paper and anything that will make a mark on it - pencil, crayon, paint, footprints, fruit. Regardless of the result, abstract or concrete, make a habit of it. If it's more your style, be physical - dance, jump, whirl around, improvise, interpret a character from a written page. Anything, just be creative. Do something creative every single day. Look and see; listen and hear. Make it ...