Improv Acting 9/13 - 11/1 Lone Tree Rec Center

Yes, you can find improv workshops in SoHa... Registration now open for Improv Acting Methods and Techniques Workshop. AND, on the final evening you get to perform! YaY Improv! Led by the author of Suggestion Please: Denver's Secret Imrov Culture.
When: Thursday, 9/13 - 11/1/2012 @ 7 - 8:30p
Who: 18 - Senior
Where: South Suburban Lone Tree Recreation Center, 10249 RidgeGate Circle, Lone Tree, CO 80124
Cost: $75 district resident/$79 non-district

SPECIAL BONUS when you take this course: Free copy of Suggestion Please: Denver's Secret Imrov Culture eBook.

SoHa Happenings in ColoradoSM eZINE sponsored by: 
© 2012 And Then Publications LLC.

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