Theater Mollie Rue thoroughly enjoyed Completely Hollywood, playing this week at the Town Hall Arts Center. So Says Mollie: "Just have to tell all that for movie "buffs" (or wanna-be buffs), there is a great show "COMPLETELY HOLLYWOOD" at the Town Hall Arts Center (in Littleton) playing just through this weekend (Fr, Sat at 7:30 and Sun at 2:00) that is a riot! Very well done by just 3 guys, it reviews 197 of the greatest film lines/cliches and condenses same in to new movie themes that you will want to see - if they are ever made! Also, lots is covered about the agony and ectasy of the writing and producing process. You will be forced to laugh and think at the same time! Only $25 reserved and no bad seats in the house. Call 303-794-2787 or online. You will thank me!" Details: SoHa Happenings in Colorado is sponsored by our Partners: ACC Community Education, Littleton CO www.arapahoe.ed...