Stocking Stuffer: ThumbPrintPlay Writing Method™ Kit

If you’re looking for that very different and very cool last minute stocking stuffer, pick up a couple of ThumbPrintPlay Writing Method™ Kits. Available for kids (ages 5-12) and for journaling (ages 12 and up), these kits are a fun way for kids of all ages to express themselves by writing in the shape of a thumbprint from the outside in. ThumbPrintPlays™ and the ThumbPrintPlay Writing Method™ are the brainchild of Pam Roth O’Mara. Says Pam, “I create each ThumbPrintPlay in one sitting with an erasable pen, that is, a pen with an eraser on it. The one rule I impose upon myself is I can make changes only while I’m creating the ThumbPrintPlay. Once I’ve created it, I cannot change it. The process of creating the ThumbPrintPlay results in a very focused bit of verse.” Each kit presents a challenge: write one or more ThumbPrintPlays™ every day for a month and you’ll become a great writer and have fun doing it!

What: ThumbPrintPlay Writing Method™ Kit for Kids and ThumbPrintPlay Writing Method™ Kit for Journaling. Each kit consists of instructions, a special pen for writing, enough cards to write one play each day for a month, and a neat case to keep it all in.
Where to find them:
Cost per kit: $18.95, plus $5 standard shipping within the U.S. and 6.75% sales tax. Shipping for each additional kit in the same order $2 per additional kit. Sorry, no international orders at this time.
Details: Ask Pam (

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