Workshop | What's an L3C Low-Profit LLC | Mar 19

Of interest to arts administrators and artists: Getting Started with Social Enterprise: March 19, 2013. Offered in partnership with the Colorado Nonprofit Association. A half-day overview of social enterprise and the earned income development process with practical tools and take-aways you can put into action immediately. Learn more and register.

Tuesday | March 19 | 8 a.m. - noon | Denver | $55/$75

Find out what an  L3C - Low-Profit LLC is and whether or not it's the right structure for your arts organization...

Presented by Caryn Capriccioso & Rick Zwetsch, InterSector Partners L3C, and Julie Voyles, JVoyles Nonprofit Consulting

Getting Started with Social Enterprise is the first step in a comprehensive program designed to help you and your nonprofit explore, design and develop a social enterprise. Whether you are looking to create local jobs or other economic opportunities in the communities you serve or enhance your earned income strategies in support of your mission, this session will provide you with knowledge, ideas and a preliminary plan for increasing your social and financial bottom lines. This session is an excellent stand-alone introduction to social enterprise and can be a jumping off point for participating in the comprehensive Colorado Nonprofit Social Enterprise Exchange - a program of interSector Partners, L3C, and JVoyles Nonprofit Consulting. 
And, visit the Partners that make SoHa Happenings in Colorado Journal possible! Say "I saw you on... SoHa Happenings in ColoradoSM Journal"

ACC Community Education, Littleton CO
Comedy Kit
ISBN 978-157109-019-5

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