Try Improv for an Evening | 2-Hour Workshop April 19

You’ve been talking about “trying it” – improv acting that is. Here’s your chance – a two-hour workshop at the South Suburban P&R Lone Tree Rec Center. Grab a friend and join us for the some improvised fun. Pam Roth O'Mara,  performer, director of OY!Improv, and author of Suggestion Please: Denver’s Secret Improv Culture, is your coach for the evening.
When: Fri, April 19 @ 7 – 9p
Where: Lone Tree Recreation Center, 10249 Ridgegate Circle, Lone Tree, CO 80124
Cost: $18/district; $20 non-district
Good to Know: Registration required; no experience necessary.
Registration code & workshop title: 460804 | Friday Night Date Night Art Series: Improv Acting
Call to sign-up303.483.7065.
Questions? Iris @ 303-708-3513 |
Come with a friend or a group and get to know other adults. Dress in comfortable clothing; meet new people or bring the special someone in your life to this unique, artistic experience. All materials included.

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