Groupon Donates 5% of Your Purchase to SoHa Arts Guild

You have another reason to use to shop and donate to the SoHa Arts & Culture Guild (Colorado non-profit ID #20121579112). "What's that?" You say. Glad you asked because whenever you purchase a Groupon deal through (and select SoHa Arts & Culture Guild as your target charity) up to 5% is automatically donated to the SoHa Arts Culture Guild! Easy as 1-2-3! and many other retailers, service providers, and restaurants will also donate to the SoHa Guild when you purchase their products and services through Or, simply do searches through - it's search engine is run by
How to use goodshop to donate to the SoHa Arts & Culture Guild:
(1) Go to,
(2) Register,
(3) Choose SoHa Arts and Culture Guild,
(4) Shop and dine at places you would do so normally.
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It's that easy! You donate to an excellent cause, you get bragging rights and lots of thank-yous, and it costs you nothing extra! Thank you!

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