NEA’s Beth Bienvenu Discusses Audience Accessibility and the Arts

Arts for Colorado Presents NEA’s Beth Bienvenu Discussing Audience Accessibility & the Arts... You’ll learn how your organization can increase audience participation. Making organizations accessible to people with disabilities and the rapidly growing number of older adults is key to expanding audiences. A strong leader in this effort is Beth Bienvenu, the director of the National Endowment for the Art’s (NEA) Office of Accessibility. Bienvenu’s lunchtime presentation will offer strategies for implementing policies that make the arts accessible to people of all abilities. Following her presentation, guests will participate in a question and answer session.
About Beth Bienvenu: link.
When: Thur, 6/2013 @ 12:00p – 1p
Location: Earls Kitchen + Bar, 1600 Glenarm Place, Suite 140, Denver, Colorado 80202. On the 16th Street Mall between Glenarm Place and Tremont Street
Admission Fee: $9 at the door for lunch and presentation. Major credit cards, cash, and checks accepted. Vegetarian and gluten-free options offered. 
Parking: $4/hour @ Denver Pavilions Garage, 16th Street and Glenarm Place. 
RSVP: Space is limited to 30 participants. RSVP by Mon, 6/3| Aleah Menefee | | 303-629-1166.

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