Colorado Creative Industries Chooses 5 New Creative Districts

Just in from Colorado Creative Industries… Colorado Creative Industries (CCI), a division of the Colorado Office of Economic Development and International Trade, and the Boettcher Foundation are pleased to announce the certification of five new creative districts through the Colorado Creative Districts Program: Pueblo Creative Corridor, Corazon de Trinidad, North Fork Valley Creative District, Ridgway Creative District and Telluride Creative District. Initiated in 2011 with the signing of House Bill 11-1031, the Colorado Creative District's program first certified Denver's Arts District on Santa Fe and Downtown Salida, with an additional 13 districts granted prospective and emerging status. About Colorado's new creative districts:
Pueblo Creative Corridor - 225 artists participate in the Pueblo Creative District whose activities attract 82,570 participants annually. The Packard Foundation has recently invested $50,000 to support more artist work/live spaces in the district in the near future.
Corazon de Trinidad - Trinidad's creative district includes six pieces of "mystery art", which appear on several vacant buildings, while the artist remains unknown to the public at large. Trinidad is now poised to take advantage of yet another economic development tool; one that emphasizes innovation and creativity."
North Fork Valley Creative District - The North Fork Valley Creative District in the heart of the Western Slope in Delta County encompasses the three towns of Paonia, Hotchkiss and Crawford.
Ridgway Creative District - Home to a thriving arts community encompassing visual, design, performing, textile, culinary, brewing and publishing arts, more than 10% of its 900 residents are artisans.
Telluride Creative District - Certification acknowledges Telluride's remarkable accomplishments in the arts over the last 40 years. The Town of Telluride is a 2010 Governor's Arts Award recipient and engages over 1,600 artists in its Creative District activities that attract over 255,000 participants annually. The Creative District recently spearheaded the Town's Cultural Master Plan that coordinates and integrates arts and creative activities in local life.
In Addition: This year's awarded Prospective Districts include the Aurora Cultural Arts District, Downtown Colorado Springs, Greeley Creative District, Longmont Arts and Entertainment District, and RiNo Art District.
Good to Know: Next deadline to apply for Creative District Certification is May 2014.
For more information, please visit

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