From booking agent Mark Sundermeier...

Hello Friends, 
10 years ago while running The Soiled Dove, some friends and myself started "The Acoustic Circus" series. It ran for a year and we put out a 2 disc compilation of songs with all styles of Denver acts... Singer/ Songwriters, Indie, Rock, Metal, Country, Blues, Jazz, Classical and World Music acts...all playing in a broken down, "Acoustic" format. 10 years later, after having revived the "A.C." shows here at The Toad in Dec. of 2012...w/ Kyle Zender and myself (Mark S.) have recorded over 35 artists for to BRAND NEW volumes of the disc..."Vol. II" and "Vol. III", again featuring some of Denver's best!!! !!! The Vol. 2 Cd Release parties are ready to go here at The Toad Tavern...on Fri. June 28th and Sat. June 29th (more to come on Vol.III soon)!!! The discs have turned out AMAZINGLY and each volume has 18 of Denver's best/up and coming acts! The discs are FREE and the only way to get by coming to the cd release shows ...or from the artists themselves. Each volume has a very "limited edition" run...only 1000 copies of each of them and they are not for sale! This has been a beautiful community project paid for in part by the artist's themselves and The Toad Tavern...please come join us for these very special events...and PLEASE HELP US ALL SPREAD THE WORD BY SHARING THIS POST!!! Many thanks to the fantastic Denver acts involved...we love you all. An official invite is also going to be sent out as well (please also help us spread that around as well), as we do hope that you will join it and come out!!!
Artists featured on Vol II disc: Buckstein, No Fair Fights ( Justin Ray and Collin Sanford), Andy Ard, Megan Burtt,Tin Star Charmer ( Chris Stake and Greg Pasquariello), Bad Candy (Mark Yoakam, David Scott & Rick Pappano), Steve Law, The Flash Mob, Goldie & The Bears (Glen Esparza & Goldie), Your Own Medicine (Mike Kellogg & Mike Naifeh), Janessa O'Fallon, Bobby Doran, Potcheen, The Uncommon Cold, Ryan Chrys, Clara Finn, Bailout and myself! 

Thanks again to everyone who has taken part in contributing a song to the disc and to Mark Mauldin and Matt Dougherty for their help in this project! BE THERE TO SUPPORT YOUR MUSICAL COMMUNITY FOLKS!! ) …Sincerely, Mark Sundermeier... with Kyle Zender and Brice Hancock of The Toad Tavern!

Where: The Toad Tavern, 
5302 S. Federal Circle | Between Belleview and Bowles 
When: Fri, June 28 & Sat, June 29 @ 7:30pm
Tickets: $8, 21+, tickets available at the door; or until day of the show @ or King SoopersGood to Know: first 125 people paid on each show night receive a free disc!
Questions? 303-795-6877

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