10th Annual Painted Violin Exhibit Features Artist Tom Sarmo

The Annual Painted Violin Exhibit  raises funds for the Denver Young Artists Orchestra. Artist portfolios are reviewed by a panel of artists, gallery representatives, and art lovers. Local, regional, and nationally-renown artists donate their time and talent to create original works of art using a retired, unplayable violin as a blank canvas on which to create a work in their own distinctive styles. These unique, one-of-a kind works of art will be displayed throughout the community in art galleries, restaurants, and performing arts venues, beginning with an exhibit opening and ending with the annual Painted Violin Gala.

This year SoHa Artist Tom Sarmo’s rendition is part of the collection. Stay tuned for details about availability and dates.

Good to Know: Proceeds from Painted Violin Exhibit raffle tickets, live auction, posters and greeting cards benefit the Denver Young Artists Orchestra Association, a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization, Federal Tax ID #84-0809348.
Questions about the Painted Violin Exhibit? http://www.paintedviolin.com | Barb Moritzky barb@dyao.org
Questions about the Tom Sarmo? http://www.tomsarmo.com

Visit SoHa Happenings in Colorado Journal Partnershttp://sohahappens.blogspot.com/p/our-sponsors.html Say "I saw you on SoHa Happenings." Call us for more information about becoming a partner. 720.383.SoHa (7642) | Support the artists, art, and culture of and about SoHa Colorado!

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