Open Improv-Play Starts Thurs, Oct 10 | SoHa CO

From Pam Roth O’Mara, improv instigator… “Due to popular request and everyone’s schedule, the Thursday improv 8-week workshop is NOW a set of eight (count 'em 8) open-improv-play sessions [still on Thursday evenings Oct 10 – Dec 5, except Thxgiving]. You choose the sessions you’d like to attend. If you attend all 8 and pay upfront, get a discount (details below). I’m still the instigator and will be at each session as coach.”
Sign up:
Here’s the new description:
Improv Acting Open-Play Fall 2013 is every Thursday evening Oct 10 - Dec 5 (excluding 11/28, Thanksgiving) from 6p-8p at Pots Tea Café, Centennial CO.
Cost per session, includes one (1) fresh beverage: $15 per session. Additional beverages and snacks available ($5 or less per item). 25% Discount: register upfront for all 8 sessions and pay only $90; that's a $30 savings. Even if you attend only 7 sessions, that's still a $15 savings.
Come on out and shake off the day! Great for actors, artists, writers, and anyone who just wants to shake off the day and meet new people. You'll be creating characters, doing monologues, and creating scenes. A great way to loosen the creative juices or work through characters and scenes that you're developing for a story, show, or painting. No acting or improv experience necessary. Bring an open mind, ready to create, and have fun. Feel free to bring a friend; makes a great date night!
Who: adults of all ages (chronologically 17 and older)
Where: Pots Tea Café, Centennial. 8100 S Quebec St. In the northeast corner of County Line Rd and Quebec. So convenient! Free parking.
When: Thursdays evening Oct 10 - Dec 5 (excluding 11/28, Thanksgiving) from 6p-8p. Arrive early to enjoy your beverage and snack before the session begins.
Cost per session, includes one (1) fresh beverage: $15 per session. Additional beverages and snacks available ($5 or less per item). 25% Discount: register upfront for all 8 sessions and pay only $90; that's a $30 savings.
Registration required and payment due: Monday, 5p prior to the session date. A minimum of three (3) participants is required for a session to run. Pick the days you’d like to attend in advance or weekly. Payment via PayPal – I’ll send you a link when choose a session.
Sign up:
Good to Know: The workshop takes place in the relaxing atmosphere of the Pots Tea Café. Low priced, fresh beverages and healthy snacks are available ($5 or less per item), so you don't need to worry about missing dinner. You can even order ahead and have your beverage and snack ready when you arrive! What service, what fun!

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