Happy SoHa Improvisors

And a good time was had by all! SoHa CO Improv Aficionados Lori, Michelle, Kevin, and Pam improvised the night away... well, until after 8p. Our host, Karen, owner of Pots Tea Cafe - our play spot - prepared scrumptious tea and snacks for us.

Next meetup: Thursday, Nov 14 - 5:45p; play session starts at 6p sharp - 8p
Where: Pots Tea Cafe, Northeast corner of Quebec and County Line Rd. Just North of C470 (Quebec exit; then go North)
Questions? http://www.meetup.com/SoHaCOImprov

SoHa Happenings sponsored in part by
Visit SoHa Happenings in Colorado Journal Partners

Pots Tea Cafe
Centennial CO
Say "I saw you on SoHa Happenings.Call about becoming a partner. 720.383.SoHa (7642) | Support the artists, art, and culture of and about SoHa Colorado!

www.arapahoe.edu/community-education | 
www.lpiddy.com | www.oyimprov.com | jonjonandcompany

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