ACC Writers Studio Spring 2014 Workshop List

Come on -  you’ve run out of excuses… time to take those writing and editing  workshops you’ve been saying, “If only I had the time.” yadah, yadah, yadah…

Kathryn Winograd |

Introduction to Creative Writing. Want to take your creative writing to the next level?  Learn the art and craft of creative writing.  Explore the basic building blocks of creative writing that create the foundations for prose and poetry.  Discussions, in class exercises, out of class writing assignments and workshops will increase your creativity and your craft. 
Chris Ransick  | Mon 6:00-8:45pm
Kathryn Winograd | Mon/Wed 1:00-2:15pm

Creative Writing II. Discover the creative process from new angles. Explore the complex relationships between writers, readers, and the material that is their currency. Designed for fiction writers, poets, essayists, and scriptwriters who take their work seriously and seek insightful, informed criticism. Discussions and workshops will sharpen the writer’s command of language, tone, and detail, and will hone the ability to revise original work to meet the standards acceptable for publication.
Who/when/where: Chris Ransick | Wed Jan 22-May 7, 2:30-5:15p | Littleton Campus

Creative Non-Fiction. Considered the “fourth” genre, Creative Nonfiction is the journey of the “I” and the “eye” through essay and memoir. Learn how the elements of journalism, fiction and poetry can enrich your nonfiction writing. Work on the personal essay, memoir, personal reportage and the lyric essay through readings, exercises and peer workshops. Explore the publishing venues that invite this work.
Who/when/where: Kathryn Winograd | Mon Jan 27-May 12, 5:30-8:15p | Littleton Campus

Progenitor Art and Literary Journal Staff. Each spring, a dedicated staff of students and Community Ed members create ACCs Progenitor from the ground up. Learn the world of publishing from behind the scenes and produce ACCs award-winning print and online journal.  Literary and art-minded people of all skills and experience are welcome to join our staff.
Who/when/where: Kathryn Winograd | TuTh, Jan 21-May 8, 1-2:15p |Littleton Campus

Writing the Novel I. Writing a novel—a beguiling, exciting, and elusive goal that drives the narrative writer to the furthest reach of his or her potential. Whether you’ve always dreamed of tackling this challenge or are just curious about exploring the novel form, this course provides structure and coaching in how to build narrative arc and develop a literary novel, produce a chapter chart, character sketches, and novel chapters.
Who/when/where: Chris Ransick  | Mon Feb 10-May 12, 2:30-5:15p |Littleton Campus

Kathryn Winograd |

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