Meet the Authors at Arapahoe District Libraries

Meet the Authors in November at Arapahoe District Libraries...
  • On Saturday, November 2, 2-3 pm, at Koelbel Library, meet Colorado State University professor Dr. Loren Cordain, author of The Paleo Diet. Dr. Cordain is widely acknowledged as one of the world’s experts on the natural human diet of our Stone Age ancestors. The Paleo diet follows the concept that the optimal diet is the one to which we are genetically adapted.
  • On Sunday, November 10, 2-3 pm at Eloise May Library, and again on Saturday, November 30, 2-3 pm at Castlewood Library, children are invited to meet the author of Katerina’s Wish, Jeannie Mobley. Mobley will lead fun activities that tie in to the inspirational book.
  • On Tuesday, November 19, 7-8:30 pm at Koelbel Library, meet Colorado author Francine Mathews, whose latest novel, Jack 1939, is a fictional account of John F. Kennedy traveling in Europe on a secret mission for President Roosevelt as the world braces for war. Mathews will discuss the historical background of the time period and how she used actual people as fictional characters. 
  • On Wednesday, November 20, 7-9 pm at Koelbel Library, author Mike Befeler will visit Koelbel Library’s Mystery Book Club, to discuss his “geezer-lit” mystery series, featuring octogenarian Paul Jacobson. The fifth book in this series, Care Homes are Murder, was published in June.

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