Thanksgivukkah Only Two Weeks Away

Thanksgivukkah - now here's a cultural event that hasn't happened since, well, never - because Thanksgiving hadn't been invented when Hanukkah fell on the fourth Thursday in November, or was it the last Thursday back then. That would be 1880-something (I've seen a couple of different dates: 1886 and 1888). The next time it's "scheduled" to happen will be, uh - in the year 79043. And, by the way, that's Thanksgivukkah™, thanks to  Dana Gitell ( registration #4379381 and 4371793)! So... what are you doing for Thanksgivukkah? Eating latkes topped with cranberry and watching a little matzohball, perhaps? OY!
Questions? Sorry, can't talk with my mouth full!
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