Happy New Year 2014! from SoHa Colorado

It's 2014... This year  SoHa Happenings in Colorado Journal  is taking on a new persona. Or, maybe better said... bursting out of the previous persona. For more than 3 years (count 'em, three) - since Fall 2010 - the SoHa Happenings in Colorado Journal  mission was to talk about arts and culture, and the people making it all happen in SoHa Colorado (see the "About" tab for a description of the area); and promote the artists from and performing/exhibiting in SoHa Colorado. Gradually, the person behind the curtain (remember the Wizard of Oz - "ignore the person behind the curtain!") has become more and more determined to focus on her own creative work. However, because SoHa Happenings has developed a following with well over 230,000 visits; 250 Twitter followers (give or take 10 or 12 on any give day); and dozens of Facebook friends, SHJ will continue to exist - with less frequent postings and more commentary about the arts as perceived by the person behind the curtain - and mentions of the many artists she's met, through whose eyes she's seen so many many perceptions of the world. And there you have it - welcome to 2014!

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We Put the OY! in Improv
Pots Tea Cafe 

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