Pam Roth O'Mara Offers Theater, Writing, and Art Workshops

Yes, indeed - she's back!! Pam Roth O'Mara (that would be me) is offering a variety of theater (improv); journaling and playwriting (ThumbPrintPlayWriting); and art (ThumbPrintPlayArt) workshops at the Goodson Rec Center, Centennial starting September 2014. Improv encourages ages 16+ to improve creative and communication skills, while acting allows kids to learn character creation, scene-making, and play production. Pam uses a technique she calls ThumbPrintPlayWriting to teach kids how to create characters and bring them to life in improvised scenes, which flow into a complete theatrical production. What could be more cool and fun! See for more information about ThumbPrintPlayWriting™ and ThumbPrintPlayArt™.

Here's the lineup:
Improv Scene Making (Session I): For Adults 16+ - date/time to be determined
Improv Scene Making (Session II): For Adults 16+ - date/time to be determined

Hey, Parents - if you're looking for an exciting birthday party theme, Pam will customize an acting workshop for your son or daughter's birthday. Each kid gets his or her own ThumbPrintPlay Kit™ for Kids

These workshops are in addition to the nature journaling workshops that Pam will be offering in June 2014 at South Platte Park .

Questions about workshops and birthday parties at Goodson? Janice Schindler |
Questions about workshops at South Platte Park? Victoria Sutton |
Questions about ThumbPrintPlayWriting™, ThumbPrintPlayArt™, improv, and acting? Pam Roth O'Mara |

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