Another Fun Day as an Artist

It’s always flattering to be included in a group of high caliber talent. Yesterday, Thursday, March 6, 2014, I had that opportunity at the Arapahoe Community College Writers Studio event: From Page To Stage To Pixel To Beyond: Or "So I Wrote It--Now What Do I Do?!" Writer and ACC Writers Studio Program Manager, Kathryn Winograd assembled the crew: Film Maker Coleen Hubbard, Stories on Stage Producer/Director Anthony Powell, and Flash Fiction Monster Opera Writer and ACC Writing Instructor Nancy Stohlman, and myself.

I quickly responded, “I do,” when Kathryn asked us, “who wants to go first?” There was no way I could follow those acts! So there I was doing applied improv for a roomful of writers. I used a game I had invented that morning – SLA – Story Line Assistance. I asked for a volunteer to suggest a character that was giving him or her trouble. No takers. Writers can be quiet people. I picked (on) a writer I know – so happens (pun intended) that she was one of my improv students and a writer. She played. She described her character. I thanked her. I picked (on) another audience member; a writer and the husband of another of my students. He played. He described his character. And then I asked them to be their characters. In a park. To have a conversation as their characters. They did. It worked. Everyone got it. You can use improv techniques to help when you’re stuck with a character. It was enjoyable.

And so was listening to and learning about Coleen, Anthony, and Nancy.

Thank you, Kathryn, Coleen, Anthony, and Nancy. Thank you all who attended, especially Mollie and Rudy – who played along. And especially, Chris, my husband who claims to have no artistic abilities. And, yes, although I’ll believe anything as an improv artist – I have trouble believing that.

SoHa Happenings in Colorado 
produced by...                       reported by...
      Pam Roth O'Mara

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