Nurture the Talent. Let Artists Be Artists.

Summary. According to its brochure, Imagine 2020, Denver's recently announced initiative “…provides a strategic vision for arts, culture and creativity. It makes a call to action to city agencies, cultural institutions, businesses, civic leaders, neighborhood- and community-based organizations, and residents to make this collective vision a reality.”
Details. If you’re into details you can read the full plan: Imagine 2020 Plan and survey results: Imagine 2020 Survey Results Presentation.
My Take. Very few artists can be – read that: live the life of - an artist from the moment he or she realizes the calling, and even fewer can earn a living as an artist. Most artists fit into one or more of these categories: discovered their potential and put it aside to earn a living and/or care for others; didn’t have the opportunity to discover their potential because they were always earning a living and/or caring for others; were discouraged from being an artist for a variety of reasons; finally had the opportunity to find his or her way as an artist after earning a living for 25, 30, or 40 years, or more.
Our Mission. Two-fold: (a) Nurture the talent. (b) Allow an environment in which the artists can start early and continue their art careers through their entire lives. Period.

SoHa Happenings in Colorado 
produced by...                       reported by...
      Pam Roth O'Mara |

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