OY!Improv™ Helps Teens Experience Jewish Culture

Two local talents, Cherie Karo Schwartz and Pam Roth O’Mara, have pooled their experience and skills to create OY!Improv Creative Jewish Experience. OY!Improv is a collaboration of improv, creative dramatics, and storytelling that provides an avenue for post-Bar/Bat Mitzvah learning. “OY!Improv is an engaging, interactive, in-the-moment experience of living Judaism that captures the minds, hearts, and imagination of Jewish teens, their teachers, and their families,” said Cherie. Drawing from Jewish cultural, historical, and religious themes, including Torah, holidays, life cycles, and traditions of world Jewry, this collaborative approach guides Jewish teens through their own personal discovery of the people and scenarios, and helps them create a path through events, history, and traditions. While primarily geared for teens, a customized OY!Improv program works wonders for all age groups and backgrounds. The emphasis is on Jewishly-based creativity, learning, and fun for organizations, camps, family events, synagogues, and religious schools. “One of our goals is to create an OY!Improv theater company - comprised of students who have attended our programs - that will perform across the Denver area,” said Pam.

Cherie Karo Schwartz and Pam Roth O'Mara created, direct, and produced OY!Improv. Cherie Karo Schwartz is a storyteller, author, and teacher (BA in Literature and an MA in Developmental Theatre). Using storytelling and improvisation in her performances, workshops, and residencies, she has shared stories and creativity with thousands of people of all ages for four decades across the USA and abroad, including Israel, Canada, and Turkey, working in Jewish and other sacred and  secular settings. She is the author of three books (including Circle Spinning) and four recordings. 

Pam Roth O’Mara, an author, artist, instructor, performer, and nice Jewish girl from Long Island, earned an Honors BA in Humanities from Hofstra University, and studied acting and body movement at the American Repertory Theater Program at Harvard University. She's performed It's Your Mutha!, her solo improv show, at Denver's Voodoo Comedy Playhouse; authored Nature, Nurture: a Collection of ThumbPrintPlays™ and ThumbPrintPlay Art™  and Suggestion Please: Denver's Secret Improv Culture; and teaches natural journaling featuring her ThumbPrintPlay Writing Method

OY! What a concept. Come play with OY!Improv.
Questions? www.oyimprov.com | Cherie Karo Schwartz | cherie@oyimprov.com | 303.349.8967

SoHa Happenings in Colorado 
produced by...                       reported by...
      Pam Roth O'Mara |pam@sohappens.com

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