Panel: From Page To Stage To Pixel To Beyond Thu 3/6/2014

Writers Studio Presents this Thu, March 6...

From Page To Stage To Pixel To Beyond: Or "So I Wrote It--Now What Do I Do?!"…  Want to do more than just publish your work? How about a little Improv? A little Stage Reading? A Film Documentary? A "Monster" Opera?

Hear from the writers (and one Stories on Stage director) who have ventured beyond the printed and pixel page. They will share their experiences, how-tos, and creative work.  Featuring award winning film maker, Coleen Hubbard, Improv artist Pam Roth O'Mara, Stories on Stage Anthony Powell, and Flash Fiction Monster Opera Writer Nancy Stohlman.
Says author, artist, and improv performer Pam Roth O'Mara (also known as Pam OyMara): It’s about playing and what comes from it. I love how all of these creative forms play off each other – improv, writing, visual works, performance. This presentation is about the evolution of the concept of ThumbPrintPlays™ and what they do for me as a writer, artist, director, instructor, coach, performer, and performance artist – not necessarily in that order.
When: Thursday, 6 March 2014 @ 4:00p
Where: Arapahoe Community College Main Campus Rm 3750.
Cost: $5 suggested donation for Writers Studio Scholarship
Questions? 303.797.5815 |

SoHa Happenings in Colorado 
produced by...                       reported by...
      Pam Roth O'Mara

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