Ruthy Wexler, President, Denver Pen Women

Ruthy Wexler Signs Her Book,
Autumn Romance,
for Mollie Rue 
I've been a Ruthy Wexler (fka Carol Denker) fan since the moment we met a few years ago. We were participating in the MACC JAAMM  (Mizel Arts and Culture Center Jewish Arts, Authors, Movies & Music) Festival. Then we met again at a Denver Pen Women ( meeting. She's the author of an amazing, heart warming book: Autumn Romance: Stories and Portraits of Love after 50 - which you no longer have an excuse  not to own. Read that: get it now! Available at in Kindle format, paperback, and hard cover.

And now she's also the Denver Pen Women President. Congrats, Ruthy! You're the perfect person for the job.

Denver Pen Women:
Book: Autumn Romance: Stories and Portraits of Love after 50  |

SoHa Happenings in Colorado 
produced by...                       reported by...
      Pam Roth O'Mara

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