Spaulding Slathers Stage with Silliness

Saturday afternoon, my husband and I partook of Animal Crackers – the musical – at the Denver Center’s Stage Theatre. I grew up on Long Island and my parents grew up in the Bronx. It’s part of my cultural heritage – the Marx Brothers, vaudeville, and JPS (just plain silliness). My parents were highly entertained as kids of The Depression by the low-brow antics and clever repartee of Groucho, Harpo, and Chico. I should know better (you shud know bettah!) but I don’t – I don’t understand how or why the silliness has not prevailed as an important way to calm the savage beasts within us, around us, and among us. It’s a dandy method for ridding the fungus among us. It’s a special kind of silliness. Irreverence that teases but doesn’t really hurt. It’s us making fun of ourselves. Yes, there are stereotypes, but gosh Andy (a minor tribute to Andy Rooney who left us this weekend for a sillier place) can’t we just let off some steam through JPS? Yes, let’s. I’ll go first, and last, and always. Here’s to just plain silliness. Go get a share at the  Denver Center’s Stage Theatre. See the wonderfulness of a modern-day actor playing Groucho Marx playing Captain Spaulding in all their glory!

Animal Crackers runs through May 11, 2014.

Denver Center’s Stage Theatre:

SoHa Happenings in Colorado 
produced by...                       reported by...
      Pam Roth O'Mara |

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