...as seen on Hudson Gardens:
"Get your lenses up close and personal with live raptors during this private photo shoot with HawkQuest. Using the diverse natural landscapes of Hudson Gardens as your background, you’ll capture the stunning details of six different raptors. During this session you’ll have the opportunity to take perched shots of a Peregrine Falcon, Great Horned Owl, Barn Owl, Bald Eagle, and Harris and Red Tail. There will also be an opportunity for shots of a Harris Hawk in free-flight
Amateur and professional photographers alike are invited to participate in this unique opportunity. Pre-registration is required and capacity is limited to 50 photographers."
• This event is for adults, 18 years old and older.
• Please check-in at Hudson Gardens by 7:30 AM.
MEMBER: $10 (discount applied in shopping cart).
NON-MEMBER: $70.00 per Participant
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