NAI Conference Session: Planning & Implementing an Art of Nature Camp
I'm presenting a program at the National Association for Interpretation 2019 conference this fall in Denver: Planning and Implementing an Art of Nature Camp. Session presenter Pam Roth O’Mara says, “the goal was to create an outdoor program that allowed young participants to observe, experience, and express nature as artists.” Developed and team-taught by visual artists and interpreters, Carol Peterson and Pam Roth O’Mara, the Art of Nature, a one-day camp (typically 10:00am – 2:30pm) for kids (age 9-13) guides participants through four different areas of an outdoor environment. While hiking around a park or nature center, participants are taught how to observe nature in artistic terms, such as color variance and physical perspective; and express their observations via images (drawing, sketching) and words (short stories, haiku, thumbprint plays). They share their experiences and artwork with their classmates and bring home a journal to share with their friends and families. The instructors have taught this course several times at South Platte Park, Littleton CO. They’ve adapted the course to meet the needs of participants, instructors, and hosts in several ways, including different types of weather, changes in environment (such as trail closings), and staffing availability.
For details: NAI 2019 Conference Denver
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For details: NAI 2019 Conference Denver
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