What's intake day for an art show?

Visit www.depotartgallery.org
Intake day is a process...
Sunday 8/25 is intake day for the Colorado Aperture 2019 exhibit at the Depot Art Gallery Littleton CO. An assembly line of gallery members helping to check-in gallery-ready photography as invited photographers bring their work from all over Colorado. 
Sponsor Marsten Framing, Greenwood Village CO will stage the work - decide where the work should be hung in the gallery - and then members will hang the work. 
Monday, 8/26 the juror will visit to judge the work and award the top photographers. 
All the photographers will be honored at the reception - open to the public - Fri 9/6 5-8pm. 
2069 W. Powers Ave., Littleton, CO 80120 

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