144 EXHIBIT at PACE Center Parker

As seen on www.parkerarts.org...
THE 144 EXHIBIT AND SALE at the PACE Center Art Gallery. October 31 - December 20
Opening Reception and Sale: November 8; 5:30-7:30 p.m.
PACE Center.  20000 Pikes Peak Ave Parker, CO 80138

Art GalleryA big show of little paintings and sculptures by Colorado artists with proceeds benefiting the PACE Center’s visual arts programming. With generous support from the Parker Artists Guild.
FINAL_The 144 LogoThis fine art exhibition is chock-full of affordable gems by artists ranging from emerging to nationally-recognized. All the work is 144 square inches or smaller—perfect for a truly special, one-of-a-kind gift that won’t break the bank. Proceeds from sales support the PACE Center Art Gallery’s programming, which includes exhibitions spotlighting professional artists of the Rocky Mountain West, as well as up-and-coming student artists in our annual Douglas County High School Portfolio Review and Bright Futures Show. The 144 Exhibit and Sale is hosted by the PACE Center, with the generous support of the Parker Artists Guild.

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