Littleton Museum "Own an Original" Exhibit Showing Until 12/28/2019

You have until December 28 to visit the Littleton Museum’s "54th Annual Own an Original Exhibit" where you'll see invited work from more than 60 Colorado artists, including Winter at the Sod Home by Pam Roth O'Mara. 
© 2019 Pam Roth O'Mara
Gwen Chanzit, juror of this year’s theme – Destination – is Curator Emerita of Modern Art and the Herbert Bayer Collection and Archive at the Denver Art Museum. Her major curatorial project, Women of Abstract Expressionism, opened at the Denver Art Museum in June 2016 and was on tour for a year.

Littleton Museum. 6028 S. Gallup St. Littleton, CO 80120
Open: Tue-Fri 8am-5pm; Sat 10am-5pm; Sun 1-5pm
Closed: Monday & holidays
Free admission

See more of Pam's work:
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