Museum of Outdoor Arts | Final Days of Natura Obscura

As seen in December at MOA newsletter: 
     "The last day to see Natura Obscura will be December 29th! If you have not experienced this installation, this is your final chance! Don't miss one of the Denver area's hottest immersive art experiences of 2019. We strongly recommend pre-purchasing tickets throughout the month of December to guarantee admission!
    Natura Obscura is an immersive arts exhibition located at our indoor facility at the Englewood Civic Center. Produced by MOA, Prismajic and about 30 additional local artists, it is a self-guided exploration through a surrealist, dreamlike forest that combines art, sculpture, and the latest in augmented, sensor based, and digital technologies.

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     The installation is open through December 29th and a time slot reservation ticket is required to enter. Save $5 with pre-purchase online. Limited quantity of tickets are available at the door. Weekends sell out quickly, so don't delay in getting your tickets. View our ticket pagePlan your visit by going to the Natura Obscura website for details, including FAQs.  Already visited Natura Obscura? Leave us a review!"

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