Workshop :: Beginning and Intermediate Oil Painting

At Arapahoe Community College :: Beginning and Intermediate Oil Painting
If you have ever felt lost or frustrated in a painting class, you will find it very different here. Valorie has developed a comprehensive curriculum, providing basic information frequently overlooked in many art classes. Learn about the various types of brushes, how to apply paint, painting techniques and color theory. Choose your subjects as you complete assigned exercises and progress at your own pace. If you have painted before, you can build on what you already know and explore information missed in previous art classes. The class includes lectures, notes, demonstrations, and individual help. This class requires the use of non-toxic Turpenoid Natural, rather than turpentine or other dangerous solvents. Check Valorie’s blog at
There is a supply list on, find the Beginning and Intermediate Oil Painting class and there will be a link in the description for the supply list. 6 Thursdays, Oct 28, Nov 4, Nov 11, Nov18, (*no class Nov 25), Dec 2, Dec 9, 2-5 p.m. ACC Campus   $129
Pre-registration required before 4 p.m. of start date at (303) 797 5722 or

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