Workshop :: Beginning Watercolor

At Arapahoe Community Collge :: Beginning WatercolorLearn the techniques used in watercolor painting: drawing, color wheel, mixing colors, types of papers, wet on wet, dry brush, spatter, negative painting, experimental scrapings, layered, etc. to give you a working knowledge of the medium. Bring a drop cloth. *No class November 25.
There is a supply list on , find the Beginning Watercolor class and there will be a link in the description for the supply list.
6 Thursdays, Oct 28, Nov 4, Nov 11, Nov18, (*no class Nov 25), Dec 2, Dec 9, 1:30-4:30 p.m. ACC Campus  $129
Pre-registration required before 4 p.m. of start date at (303) 797 5722 or

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